We are incredibly sorry to announce that this year’s Kielder Marathon Weekend, due to be held on Oct 4/5th 2020, is now cancelled. All of us at EOTN are devastated that despite our best efforts, at this point, we cannot guarantee a situation in October that would enable us to host the safe and enjoyable event you would all expect. There is still too much uncertainty to allow our hosts, partners and ourselves to plan effectively for all of the reassurances we all need to mitigate any further spread of the Corona virus.
We fully appreciate how much hard work people have put in to their training and travel plans and we can only apologise and hope for your understanding with the decision.
We at Events of the North remain committed to your goals and aspirations and will be announcing how you can still put your training to good use and celebrate Britain’s Most Beautiful Marathon weekend in a unique way. Details will be shared at the end of August.
We recognise events of all sizes provide us with the targets that help give us motivation and focus for our running, health and fitness. All of us at EOTN are convinced that we can deliver safe events for all going forward but sadly we must wait until 2021 to meet up at one of the most stunning places in the world to run…Kielder will be waiting for you all in 2021!
The organisers of the Active Northumberland Kielder Marathon weekend have announced their decision to cancel this year’s event, which was scheduled to take place on 3 and 4 October. Due to ongoing uncertainty about the hosting of mass participation races in the current climate, partners have concluded that they have no choice other than to call off the 2020 Kielder Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, Run-Bike-Run, and the junior runs.
The Kielder Marathon weekend is organised by Events of the North, in conjunction with hosts Northumbrian Water, and partners including Northumberland County Council, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Active Northumberland. The 2020 event would have marked the 11th annual running of ‘Britain’s most beautiful marathon’, along with the other increasingly popular races that take place over the weekend.
Steve Cram, event founder and race director, comments: “It’s absolutely heart-breaking to have to make this decision. All of the partners have been in regular discussions about the feasibility of an event this year, but we have come to the inevitable conclusion that it simply won’t be possible to go ahead in the current climate.
“We appreciate how much hard work people have already put into their training, and know that some have already made travel plans. We can only apologise and hope that everyone understands why we have had to take this decision. Everyone at Events of the North is ready and eager to deliver safe events for all, but sadly we must now wait until 2021 to meet up at beautiful Kielder again.”
All those who have booked places for a race at this year’s weekend have been contacted with the news and their entries will automatically be deferred to 2021 unless they indicate otherwise.